Enter the Gungeon Wiki

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A mod created by bl4ck_hunter containing a large amount of new items as well as a few pieces of extra content.

Download Link: https://modworkshop.net/mod/27603

Source Code: https://github.com/bl4ckhunter/Hunter-s-Gungeon-Mod

Passive Items[]

Name Quality Effect
Fist Of The People D Quality Item Pressing reload does a dash attack 5s cooldown.
Mercenary's Sheath D Quality Item Melee weapons deal increased damage in closed combat, allows teleportation while melee weapons are being wielded
Kaos Shells D Quality Item +1 curse, +50% total damage, shots have a very high chance to transmute every enemy in the room into random enemies.
Bandolier D Quality Item On kill 3% chance to get a spread ammo.
Shaped Glass D Quality Item +5 curse, Doubles your damage after every other damage modifier has been applied, if you're above 1.5 health every shot hits you for 1.5 health, can now be dropped.
Heretic Visions D Quality Item All enemies are jammed, shooting them will return them to normal, lord of the jammes is prevented from spawing.
Tarot Deck C Quality Item +2 coolness, using a card has a chance to grant another, random, card
Seismic Shells C Quality Item projectiles have a chance to cause a rockslide when hitting enemies
Acrid's Hunger C Quality Item dodgerolling into enemies under 40% hp or killing enemies with dodgeroll eats them, granting you 1% damage and -1% movement speed/roll distance per enemy, pressing reload spits them out, lowering the count, +20% movespeed and dodgeroll distance.
Huntress's Tools C Quality Item Pressing reload throws a glaive 5s cooldown.
Poisonous Tentacle Shells C Quality Item Chance to spawn a laser starfish of sorts that pulls enemies in and poisons them when hitting enemies.
Sharktiger Tooth C Quality Item Charges like an active, spawn a ring of bait "guon stones" that when hit by a bullet vanish and spawn either a tiger or a shark.
Topaz Soulgem C Quality Item Killing an enemy has a 30% chance to give the player a topaz guon soulstone, a guon stone that orbits closer to the player, releases a small blank effect and is destroyed upon blocking a bullet.
Stealthkit C Quality Item On damage taken become invisible.
Stealthkit C Quality Item On damage taken become invisible.
Whip C Quality Item +35% movement speed, lost on taken damage, resets at the end of the room.
Warpdrive Afterburner C Quality Item 5s of invulnerability and increased dodgeroll speed after dodgerolling, 30 seconds cooldown.
GtG Missile MK2 C Quality Item on hit chance to fire 3 homing missiles.
Laser Cell C Quality Item Charges like an active item, blasts the surroundings with lasers when charged.
Hook Bullets C Quality Item Upon hitting an enemy shots split into 3 homing vertebrak47 bullets that yank enemies they hit towards the first one.
Obsidian Shard B Quality Item +3 coolness, cards have an extra chance to spawn on room clear.
Anti-Materiel Ammo B Quality Item Bullet pierce walls, projectile range is equal to distance between the player and the crosshair, if bouncing projectile modifiers are present bullets will bounce when at the end of their range.
Tentacle Shells B Quality Item Damaging enemies has a chance to trigger an abyssal tentacle
Curse Of The Drowned B Quality Item Active items charge 55% faster but activate immediately upon reaching full charge.
Crit Cola B Quality Item Dodgerolling over an enemy bullets causes your bullets to crit for a short while.
Eridian Infuser B Quality Item applies different random effects to each of your gun as well as partially randomizing the gun's stats.
Shock Shells B Quality Item projectiles have a chance to also hit nearby enemies, the extra projectiles are connected by lightning lines.
Slag Shells B Quality Item Projectiles have a chance to apply slag to enemies, slagged enemies are slightly slowed, have reduced max health and on death leave a pool of slag behind that also slags enemies.
Rad Rounds B Quality Item projectiles have a chance to irradiate enemies, irradiated enemies take damage over time and when they die leave behind a pool of radiation that also irradiates enemies.
Commando's Ensign B Quality Item "Dual wield" everything! +1 curse, -35% damage *(technically not dual wielding).
Heavy L.O.A.D.E.R. chassis B Quality Item Become the loader.
Monotip Dagger B Quality Item Projectiles make enemies bleed.
Gungeon Flower B Quality Item Charges like an active, when charged spawns to blooming guon stones that shoot leaves.
White Dove B Quality Item Guon Stone, when hit, releases a scrabler egg.
Tesla Coil B Quality Item Charges like an active, when charged zaps enemies around the player for the rest of the room.
Elimental Bullets B Quality Item Bullets apply the cheese status effect to enemies.
Frail Crown B Quality Item Killing an enemy gives you 10 casings, taking damage makes you lose all of them.
Will The Wisp B Quality Item Damaging enemies has a chance to release a massive pool of fire around the player, fire immunity.
Prayer Beads B Quality Item Blanking summons two temporary orbitals that block projectiles and damage enemies.
NRG B Quality Item Using an active item slows down time for a while.
Ice Relic B Quality Item +1 coolness, damaging or killing an enemy has a chance of spawing an orbiting ice cube around the player.
Horn of War B Quality Item activating an active item gives 70% attack speed for 10s, 20s cooldown.
N'kuhana's Touch B Quality Item Damaging enemies has a chance to release a massive pool of poison around the player, poison immunity.
Headstompers B Quality Item Massively increased dodgeroll damage, dodgerolling into an enemy does a small blank effect, comes with live ammo (bullet contact immunity passive item).
Auto-Medkit B Quality Item Charges like an active item, when charged the player when taking damage is instead healed.
Warbanner B Quality Item +1 curse, entering a room increases damage, firerate and reload speed by 25% for 7s.
Hungering Chamber B Quality Item -50% reload speed, reloading on an empty magazine sucks nearby enemies in big shotgun style, 30% chance to replenish 1 ammo per enemy sucked in.
Bolas Bullets B Quality Item Bullets have smaller versions of themselves orbiting them.
Sticky Rocket Bullets B Quality Item Chance to turn enemies into guided rockets on hit.
Hammering Justice A Quality Item deals 10% of the target's missing health as flat damage on hit, 1% on bosses and electrifies water.
Ukulele A Quality Item +2 coolness, gives battery bullets on pickup, chance to spawn water goop around the player when dealing damage to an enemy, comes with battery bullets.
Taped Magazines A Quality Item +50% clip size, 25% slower reload speed, +1 active item slot, reloading after killing an enemy has a 3% chance to give you duct tape, can proc up to two times only.
Aftermarket Missile Launcher A Quality Item On active item use fires a barrage of homing missiles.
Military Grade Drug A Quality Item +15% firerate, on hit chance to do a radial burst of bullets from your current gun.
Crowbar A Quality Item Killing an enemy gives your next hit on an enemy 200% more damage.
Chronobauble Ammolet A Quality Item +1 blank per floor, +2 curse, on blank use freezes time for a considerable lenght.
Soulbound Bullets A Quality Item +1 curse, projectiles have the same proprieties of the high kaliber.
Atomic Behemoth A Quality Item Charges like an active item, when charged the next shot will cause a nuclear explosion.
Cursed Guillotine A Quality Item +2 curse, non-boss enemies under 25% health are instantly executed.
Artillery Marker Bullets A Quality Item Chance to call down a mourning star strike on enemies when hitting them.
Magic Shells A Quality Item Chance for bullets to block and transmodify enemy projectiles into random, friendly, bullets.
Primordial Cube A Quality Item Guon Stone, +1 blank per floor, using blanks creates an hole in reality, which sucks enemies in then explodes for massive damage.
Gunknight's Spoils 1S Quality Item -20% dodgeroll speed, takes you down to two an heart permanently and gives you all the gunknight pieces.
Berserker Shoulderguard 1S Quality Item +2 curse, killing an enemy gives you +40% firerate stacking up to +200%, reset when taking damage and on room clear, damaging an enemy has a small chance to give you a firerate stack too.
Gatling Mushroom 1S Quality Item chance for your gun to become the windgunner when damaging enemies, taking damage or dodgerolling returns your gun to normal.
Altar of Time 1S Quality Item +2 curse, Dying resets all the rooms (chests, tables barrels and the like stay broken/open) and puts you back at the beginning of the floor with full health (6 shields if you're robot), when this happens all your curse is removed and 3 coolness for every point of curse lost are obtained, cannot be dropped.
Engineer's Folly 1S Quality Item Reloading on an empty clip spawns a nuclear pinhead.
Abyssal Vortex 1S Quality Item Chance to tear holes in reality when hitting enemies, holes collapse after 5s and explode.

Active Items[]

Name Quality Effect
N'Kuhana's Invitation D Quality Item +3 curse, +1 active item slot, Consumable. Spawns two jammed Shadow Magicians, rewards a secret item and a Red Chest upon completition.
3D printer D Quality Item Selects a random passive when picked up, can be used near a passive/active/gun on the floor to destroy it, after three items have been destroyed spawns a copy of the selected passive, dropping the item resets selected passive as well as the items destroyed counter.
The Crowdfunder D Quality Item toggle, comes with it's own active item slot, while toggled on consumes 10 casings per second (1 casing every 0.1s) and fires a stream of bullets.
War Box C Quality Item turns the player into a box armed to the teeth, lasts until reused, damage is taken or 20s have lapsed.
Altar Of Order B Quality Item Randomly selects one item in the player's inventory for each quality and turns all items of the same quality into that item.
Portal Gun A Quality Item On Use open a portal, if two portals are open enemies, players and bullets touching one portal will be transported to the other, two uses before entering 20 second cooldown.
Blank Card A Quality Item Grants you a copy of a card on the floor.
Chancellor's Secret Plan A Quality Item Consumable, +1 active item slot, can be used after killing a boss (counter resets on loading a new floor) to teleport to the abbey, gives you a bunch of similiar items that teleport you to every floor other than the abbey (and modded secret floor/s) but can only be used to descend floors and vanish when they can't be used. Using it from a floor deeper than the gungeon proper gives enemies a moderate to substantial HP buff depending on how deep you are.